Friday, December 21, 2012

Rubys are red, Grape fruits are good!

Its no secret I'm a fan of citrus fruits! Around this time of year they tend to be the freshest type of fruit available and are usually quite affordable.

Lately I've been eating a ruby red grapefruit for a mid-morning snack.

I just slice down the middle, and then carve out the pulpy goodness!

Ruby reds are tangy, but also sweet so they can curb lots of cravings!

After, I squeeze out all of the juice to drink :)

Grapefruits provide lots of dietary fiber and Vitamin C! 

Vitamin C is great for our immune system, especially in these winter months when colds are going around!

Slice one up today!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holiday Shopping Snack

We've all been there. You have been Christmas shopping ALL DAY and when you finally have a chance to sit down and eat your only option is usually the food court. No good, but because you have been running around all day you will almost settle for anything.

So, I recommend bringing a small something in your purse or pocket that will help you get through the day and not compromise your diet! Lately I have been bringing ProBar Protein bars from Whole Foods with me everywhere! At school, work, the gym, or just running errands! You never know when your appetite might get the best of you, so be prepared!

I really like this peanut butter one!

Usually, I just eat about half of the bar and save the rest for later or the next day! Since these are protein packed they tend to be a little up there on calories, but half should do you right!

My other favorite flavor is Koka Moka!
This one does have some chocolate in it, but it is perfect for satisfying a sweet tooth in the middle of the day along with keeping you full!

Hard boiled eggs  or a pack of nuts are also great for your crazy shopping days!

Just think ahead and bring an easy snack so that you don't have to resort to fast, food court junk!

Happy shopping!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Healthy Stocking Stuffer :)

Typically, we like to fill up our stockings with Santa shaped chocolate, candy canes and lots of other little treats, but here is an idea to add a little healthy kick! 

Our little family's stockings hung on the mantle with care :)

I am not saying that chocolates and sweet treats are bad, or shouldn't be given out, NO WAY, this is such a wonderful time of year and indulging (a little) is a must! This is just an idea to fill up some stocking space and balance out all the treats! 

These little Cuties are the best! 

You can purchase them in bulk for pretty cheap and almost anywhere! This is a good season for them as well because not too many fruits are fresh, available, or affordable!

I like to put a handful of these at the bottom of the stockings to fill them up and add in a healthy twist with all the candy going around! 

Not only are they good for stockings, they are great for a quick on-the-go snack! They have a nice protective peel so you can throw them in a purse or gym bag and not have to worry about them going bad.

What is also great about these little Cuties, is that you can have 2 for under 100 calories! They also contain more than 3 grams of dietary fiber per serving, what more could you ask for from a convenient, yummy little snack! 

What are your favorite stocking stuffer ideas?


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Holiday Tip: Pot Luck

The Pot Luck- a very common party theme around the Holidays. 

Here's a tip on how to make sure there SOMETHING healthy at this mix-matched menu. 

When in doubt, bring a nice, big SALAD! 

Salads are super easy and pretty fun to make! You can add your own twist on this common dish and really make it a hit! Not to mention, they can be as pretty to look at as a work of art! 

Also, make your own dressing! This will add a nice personal touch to your contribution and might start a nice conversation too :) Check out my previous blog entry for a favorite healthy home-made dressing: Fave Healthy Dressing!

Bringing a beautiful salad will insure that among the lasagna, bacon wrapped scallops, baked brie, and other decadent, yet calorie rich (and amazing) pot luck regulars you will have a nice low calorie-nutrient rich option. I would recommend eating some salad first before anything else. This way you start to fill up on the healthy items and will have less room later for the high calorie options. 

Other healthy ideas would be a veggie tray (home made adds a nicer touch), or some sort of lettuce wraps even.

For a veggie tray, slicing your own veggies and arranging them on a nice platter from home makes it much more personal and special. This way-you can even pick your own veggies! Lets face it, not everyone loves raw celery and broccoli! 

Another healthy tip: skip the ranch! A home made (or store bought) hummus works just as well without all the cream! Hummus is not only a great alternative for guests who may be lactose intolerant or vegan, but the chic-pea base provides much more filling protein so you won't be as likely to go for that 3rd, 4th or 5th bacon wrapped yummyness!

What is your favorite healthy pot-luck dish?

Friday, November 30, 2012

FIT FRIDAY: Home Workout

Nothing better than getting FIT on FRIDAY! 

Here is a quick little workout that you can do with very minimal equipment! 

All I used was a jump rope, a kettle bell, and two 10lb dumbbells:

Work out:
45 seconds on
10 second rest

-Jump rope 45 seconds
-10 second rest

- Kettle Bell swings 45 seconds
-10 second rest

- Bicep curls (w/ both dumbbells) 45 seconds
-10 second rest

-Alternating forward lunges with Kettle bell twist 45 seconds
-10 second rest

-Shoulder press (one side, switch next round) with dumbbell & knee drive to elbow 45 seconds
-10 second rest


This is a great way to get your blood pumping and your heart rate up! All in about 10 minutes! Its a heart healthy way to start (or break up) your day with a little sweat session.

If you don't own a jump rope, jumping jacks are a great substitution. No kettle bell? Substitute one of your dumbbells. And if you are a beginner, or have no weights at all try using a full water bottle or a can of soup as your resistance!

Try this the next time you are trying to sweat it out at home (or even at the gym) or want to jump start your day! You can always mix it up with different variations and/or repeat more times for a longer and more intense work out.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Post Kickboxing Protein!

Just got back from a great sweaty Kickboxing class at Farley's! 

So needless to say I was pretty hungry. Today's post work out munch consisted of Quick Whites (my new fave!) snap peas, and sunburst tomatoes! 


The snap peas add a nice little crunch (and help get in my daily veggies) and the sunburst are just my favorite! I could eat them like candy!

Add a little fresh ground pepper and enjoy! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Great Protein of Eggs without all the Cholesterol!

The Incredible, Edible, Egg! Try saying that ten times fast! 

I am a huge fan of eggs! Nutritionally they are the best source of a complete protein! However, it is recommended to only consume 3-4 eggs per week. What!? I know, heart breaking, or should I say yolk breaking!? hehe ok bad joke! 

Moving on, I have recently started using Quick Whites as a great, easy source of protein in my diet. Unfortunately the egg yolk is what contributes to it being a complete protein, but the whites are great for a lower cholesterol version. 

I picked these up at Trader Joe's, but they are available elsewhere too! 

These are awesome because they are 100% egg whites! NO ADDED INGREDIENTS!! 

Also, there is NO FAT! 

Does it get any better!? No added garbage, no fat, no sugars, no cholesterol, SWEET! 

These Quick Whites are great for omelets, scrambles, egg sandwiches, you can even use them in smoothies and for baking (read the label for specific baking instructions)!

Personally, I am a fan of the omelet: 

This was a simple and quick after workout breaky! 1/3 cup of Quick Whites (equivalent to two large eggs), fresh cut tomatoes, and some cheddar cheese! Yum! 

No splitting the yolk from the white or anything! Easy peasy and a super time saver!

I just used an 8 inch non-stick pan, got the egg whites fully cooked on one side and ready to flip. Once flipped, I added the cheese so it would start melting and then the tomatoes! 

Sometimes I like to add some fresh ground pepper as a nice way to add flavor with no extra calories or sodium! 

Try these Quick Whites and see what yummy items you come up with!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Re-vamp Your Run!

Running is an amazing workout and one of the best ways to stay in shape! I have been trying to integrate a run  at least once or twice into my weekly workout routine :)

Today I ran about 4 miles, at about the 2 mile marker I stopped and used a bench to spice up my regular running regimen!

I used the bench for push-ups, box jumps, and kneed ups! I would do reps of about 10 - 20 for each movement 2 or 3 times to really get the blood pumping!

Of course, it does help that I could do so with that spectacular view ;) But! No matter where you live, it's possible to find these fun (and free!) extras to let you push yourself within your regular workout.

For example, I've mentioned running a flight of stairs, stairs jumps, or side jumps up the stairs are great too!

Live near a park? Jungle gyms are FULL of cool things to use and make you feel like you're not even working out! Monkey bars anyone!?

Keep your eyes peeled on your next work out to see what fun things you could add!

P.S. We are having quite a heat wave here in Santa Cruz, so I just want to remind everyone to HYDRATE! Even if you are not exercising today, water is essential, so keep chugging it down! It does wonders from the inside, out :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Snacks on the Go

OK, I've always been into writing about snacks and what I'm into at the moment. Here are some tips for easy on-the-go snacks!

I have been commuting to school a few times a week now and one of my classes is right at noon! That's lunch time!! So, I always try to pack some yummy, healthy snacks that are easy to prepare. 

The only prep I needed to do was slice up the nectarine! Everything else was all set and ready to go! This can be done the night be fore school or work or give yourself and extra 2 or 3 minutes and do it beforehand. 

I love fruit so I am pretty much cool with any kind! The grapes and nectarines are in season right now :) I brought along the Greek yogurt because it has protein, which will help to keep me fuller, longer!

This simple, on-the-go snacking can be done with many other types of fruits and veggies. When you take the short couple of minutes to bring along some healthy snacks wherever you go, you are less likely to fill up on junk items from a vending machine or a fast service food shop. 

A little effort can go a long way! And it may actually save you some bucks! 

You owe it to yourself to take a short amount of time to make healthy decisions easier! No more flaming hot cheetos! 

Whats your favorite on-the-go snack?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Healthy Snack with Some Spice!

It can be a challenge to mix up your snack routine while at the same time keeping it healthy and easy!

Here's one that I have been getting into lately:

Baby carrots and hummus! What I like about this hummus is that it has cilantro and jalepenos mixed in so it adds a little punch! Now that's guaranteed to spice up your afternoon snack!

I purchased both the carrots and hummus at Trader Joe's! The carrots are organic which is great and reasonably priced :) Also, they are conveniently cut and peeled = time saver!!

This is a yummy combination for any day and can easily be taken on the road! 

Explore and find a hummus flavor that you dig and start dipping! 

Other veggies will work great as well: bell peppers, broccoli, green beans, get creative!

Happy Snacking!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gift of Gear!

Look what came today!!!

I have just received my new pair of Nike Free Run 2s! This will be my second pair in a row and I can't wait to rock them tomorrow! 

They have been great on my runs and walks with the dog! They are also great for slipping on and off quickly at the gym :)

Get yourself a Gift of Gear and get pumped to work out!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Post-workout Protein Idea

After a hard work out, you always want to make sure to replenish your body for recovery! I am usually pretty hungry after working out, so it is usually never a problem for me to get something in my belly! 

Today I went for a yummy tropical berry fruit smoothie from Whole Foods with an added dose of Whey Protein Powder! It was delish!

I love smoothies because they are great for those on-the-go days and are packed with healthy fruit! However, be aware of other ingredients that may be added. You may not want to always order the ones that use milk, yogurt, some juices, or other added sugar. All of these things add on extra calories and unwanted added sugar. (Beware of Jamba Juice!!)

The smoothie I had today had coconut agave which added some good texture, but also sweetened in a natural way. 

As I said, I added a scoop of whey protein powder too! This is a good choice for after a work out so your body can replenish its muscles :) Another bonus is that it is in a form that is very easily digestible to help you recover faster! Adding the protein will also help you stay fuller, longer! 

Find out what you like right after a work out and remember we always need to replenish and revive! 

Happy Recovering! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Suspension Training for All!

Here's a great little fit tip: buy yourself a suspension trainer! 

Suspension training is a great way to get a full body work out with minimal equipment while using your own body weight! 

Farley's just purchased a pair for my Fitness Circuit classes and I love using them! 

The brand we use is called LifeLineUSA Jungle Gym XT and they are great! 

Working out with these uses all muscle groups with just your body weight for resistance, so it is a great way to tone up muscles! 

There are many different brands at all different prices, but if you search amazon or ebay you can definitely find some for a good deal. They all come with DVDs and brochures on how to set them up, use them, and tons of different exercises! 

These suspension trainers are great for the gym, home, or traveling! All you need is a stable bar or a door frame to use them! Also, they take up hardly and space!

So, with items like these there is no excuse why you should be skipping workouts :P

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Veggie Gyoza! Yum!

I just whipped this little meal up and it turned out to be great! 

I was really hungry and didn't feel like the big ordeal of dinner. So, to the freezer I went! I know, I know, FREEZER!? "EEEEWWW!" Don't worry, its not what you think, Trader Joe's has a great frozen food section with many healthy options which are fantastic when you are low on time, or just don't feel like cooking! 

Tonight, I pulled out their Thai Vegetable Gyoza. Super yummy, very healthy, vegetarian (and vegan!), and easy to make! What more could you ask for!?

These can be prepared three different ways: pan-fried, microwaved, or steamed. I chose to steam them because you do not have to add any extra oil to cook them, so no added calories! 

I got water boiling and topped the pot with a strainer/steamer and tossed the whole package in: 

It only takes about 10 minutes to get them steamed all the way through and you virtually do nothing else! It is helpful to rotate them around in the steamer so they cook evenly.

Just pull one out and cut it in half to make sure everything has cooked all the way, and you are done! 

While the Gyoza were steaming I did cook up some brocolini  to have as well. In a medium sauce pan, I heated up a tiny bit of Smart Balance cooking oil and some fresh chopped garlic and sauteed the brocolini until the Gyoza was ready (also very painless). 

Dinner is served!

Soy sauce is an obvious choice for the Gyoza, but I decided on Tapatio to give it a little more kick! 

This meal was packed with veggies, easy to make, and most of all tasty!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stairway to....?

I HATE missing a workout for silly reasons! So, you can imagine how annoyed I was when my car wouldn't start yesterday morning!! First off, that's just annoying to begin with, and second, I was missing Fitness Kickboxing at Farley's!! I was NOT a happy camper (or should I say kicker!).

After getting a tow truck and realizing my car would be stuck at the dealership all day (and night!) I caught a shuttle ride back home and made the decision to not let this situation ruin my day OR my workout!

I headed out for a nice little run. P.S. Running is FREE, can be done at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, and is a great work out! 

I am blessed because I have great scenery to check out during my runs :) but regardless of where you live, getting out into the nice, fresh, summer air is one of the best things you can do for yourself! 

Anyway, I realized I had not ran the "Capitola Stairs" in a while. Uh-oh. I had to do it now, I was out and about and running right past this famous, steep set of stairs so I went for it:

Painful? Yes, but also very fun and rewarding! I felt great when I got to the top:

No pain, no gain baby!

Stairs are a great thing to add to you exercise routine whether you walk up them, or can run them! It is a great cardio workout and really busts those glutes!!

Get out there, mix it up, try some stairs, and have some fun!

Happy stair climbing!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Healthy BBQ Idea

There are so many reasons to love summer! One of the being the great opportunity to BBQ!

BBQs are a great way to spend time with friends and family, but lets face it, no one wants the guilt of eating fatty hamburgers and hot dogs all summer long!

Here is a great healthy alternative to try at your next BBQ: Chicken, prawn and veggie skewers!

Chicken and prawns are lower in saturated fats than your typical burgers and dogs and the veggies will bring added vitamins and minerals you would be missing out on!

Sure, they take a little more time to prepare, but its relatively easy and fun!

I start by chopping up the veggies I decide to use. I usually go with ones that are on the heartier side so they can withstand the high heat from the grill. For our little BBQ on the 4th I picked, bell peppers (all colors!), broccoli, and mushrooms.

I usually cut them pretty big so they don't cook too fast!

Meanwhile, I cut up some white meat chicken and marinated it in a Island Teriyaki sauce and held that in the fridge. Depending on what type of prawns you buy, you may have to be peeling and washing those while the chicken is marinating.

Next, its skewer time!

You can arrange the veggies, chicken, and prawns any way you'd like! You can mix it up and make some skewers with both chciken and prawns or keep them seprate depending on people's diet preferences/allergies. All veggie ones are great too!

Once they are on the grill, make sure to rotate them with tongs so that everything cooks evenly.

Now they are ready to serve!

Yummy! These are a great healthy alternative to any summer BBQ! I encourage you to try different combinations, marindes, etc.

Happy Grilling!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mango Madness

Mangoes are a yummy super fruit that are perfect for summer time!

They have a yummy, sweet taste that will satisfy any craving, but they are only 100 calories/cup! What a great snack to have mid-day or a healthy substitute for dessert! 

Not only are they low in calories, but they are full of Vitamin C (100 % of your daily value!) and have lots of Vitamin A. Both are very important in immune function and collage production :) Mangoes also provide lots of dietary fiber!

To enjoy I just cut mine right down the middle and then cute slices from there, and just eat it right off the skin! Its like a piece of tropical heaven!

(like so)

You can also prepare some slices to go for a healthy snack on the run!

Mangoes are also being used in many dishes (like salsas and salads) which is a great way to mix it up and add more fruits into your diet!

So, experiment, have fun, and get mad about mangoes! Enjoy!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Outstanding Orzo!

This is a great recipe that is super easy and can be enhanced any way you like! 

Only a few ingredients are necessary:

-Veggie broth or bullion (Chicken works too)
-Cooking oil 
-Any type of vegetables

This week I used brussle sprouts, green beans, and mini bell peppers. 

1) chop up desired veggies to be used.

2) start heating up a sauce pan with cooking oil, at the same time begin warming up vegetable broth (or chicken) in a separate pot.

3) add veggies (heartier ones first) to the warming skillet and let them begin to brown (in my case I added the sprouts first to give them more time to cook).

4) add the uncooked orzo to the pan with the veggies, by this time the broth should be warm enough to add into the pan with the orzo. 

5) once everything has been added make sure to keep mixing things around and cover the pan.

6) the orzo should only take about as long as pasta to be fully cooked so check it for done-ness.


My Outstanding Orzo :)

  This is a nice versatile dish that can be used as a whole meal, a side dish, or a great thing to bring to a party or BBQ! I made a ton of extra for leftovers!

If you want to enhance it a bit you can add in some chicken or prawns or cheese on top when serving!

So, get creative with it and eat well!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Triumph Over Traveling

I have just returned back home from a week of traveling (to see my brother get married!!) so I want to share about staying on top of your game even when your schedule is turned upside down. 

We all know how hard it can be to stick with an exercise routine and eat healthy while away from home and always on the go. OK, yes, vacations are for relaxing AND indulging, but there is no reason why you should feel like an over inflated inner tube on your journey back home. 

Like I said, my trip was a week long and included a wedding (wine and cake, anyone?) so it is obvious that there would be plenty of room for error when it comes to eating and exercise. However, I must pat myself on the back here and say that I did a pretty good job staying on track. I was missing my gym and classes for circuit training and kickboxing, but while I was away I managed to fit in a few runs and lots of walking! 

This is a pic I took on one of my morning runs. I got to see a great view out of town and feel good for the rest of the day!

So, all I can say is: BRING YOUR SNEAKERS!! I don't care if you think you won't have time or will be to tired, or whatever! Bring them, and you will use them, that is half the battle! 

Also, if you have the pleasure of being at a wedding, please DANCE! This is a great way to have fun and burn tons of calories :)

Now when it comes to eating appropriately, its really hard, period. There is no special secret or crazy antibody that will allow you to eat whatever you want and not feel horrible afterward :( It is really hard to eat clean when you are away from home, I get that, but the point here is to make the healthier decision whenever possible. 

On this trip, we ended up eating out a lot, which is fine, but you just need to be aware of what you are putting into your mouth. For breakfast, I would try to choose something with eggs (egg sandwich, scrambled egg burrito) so that I was sure to stay full long after, and not snack on something I would regret later. For lunch, a salad. No matter where we were, a salad. That's what I got, who knows if you'd be able to get any veggies in later in the day so better fill up at lunch time! Dinners are more difficult because you may not have a choice in the matter so don't be too hard on yourself! 

This may seem like too many rules and too much responsibility during a time of fun and relaxation, but just remember how hard it will be to get back into your groove if you have fallen way off track!

Let me know if you have any good traveling tips!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fave Healthy Dressing

Lately my friend Rose and I have been obsessing over this super easy, super yummy, and healthy salad dressing! 

You can make it on your own and all you need is 4 simple items:

-Olive Oil
-Lemon Juice

The ratios really depend on your personal preference as far as how much citrus or salt or pepper flavor you like. For the olive oil, the point is not to drowned your whole salad, so a light drizzle along with the lemon juice should work just fine. 

This is a very tasty way to jazz up your salads of any kind without packing on too many extra calories or taking away from the flavor of a ice fresh salad.

If you have more time or want to mix it up a bit, try adding some parsley, basil, cilantro, or rosemary to have some more flavor. 

This can also be used as a marinade which works great with fish!

 Now you may be able to find similar stuff out there in the grocery stores, but please read the labels! It will be very hard for you to find something this fresh and pure because many companies have to add extra sugars and additives for flavor and to extend shelf life. So my suggestion is to make it on your own with all natural ingredients so there is no confusion!

Happy dressing! Enjoy!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Better than Burger

Burgers are a huge part of our American culture (McDonald's even has a song for one!). However, red meat is high in saturated fats, which makes them not the healthiest choice around. 

Don't fear, a great thing to try as a healthier alternative is turkey burgers! A cool thing about them is you can find them pre-pattied or make your own delicious combo with ground turkey! 

For convenience I bought pre-made patties for dinner last night. They were from Trader Joes and turned out to be super tasty! They are very easy to prepare as well. You can either throw them on the BBQ or cook them stove top with a little cooking oil (what I did last night). They don't take long to cook which is perfect for when you are in a hurry. 

When they were just about done (you want these to be cooked all the way through) I added cheese on top so it would start melting :) While the patties were cooking up I sliced up some tomatoes, avocado, lettuce, pickles, and jalepenos! I like to load 'em up! This is also a great way to add in veggies for the day. I added some ketchup and mustard on a whole grain bun, piled it all together and it was time to eat!

 Whats not to love!?

For a vegetarian/vegan option you can always use a meatless patty and omit the cheese or use a cheese substitute! 

Burger down!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Easy Snack Idea

Remember rice cakes?!

I had a blast from the past when I picked up a package of these the other day :)

And they turned out to be super yummy!

These are a great healthy on the go snack! They give you that nice satisfying crunchy taste of a handful of chips, but one cake is only 60 calories (and they are pretty big)!

There are many different types out there so just been weary. There are some flavors like "caramel apple" and what not, but any type like that will most likely have added sugar. So, as always be conscious of what you are buying - brown rice will be your best bet! 

You can even top them with peanut butter or hummus as a great lunch time side! 

Give 'em a try and enjoy!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Yummy Healthy Breaky!

Tired of the usual cereal and milk?! 

Try this super easy scramble next time you want to mix it up!

I just got back from a run so I have worked up a nice appetite, what better to satisfy then some protein packed eggs and veggies! 

Since its Sunday, I am down to the last bit of groceries of the week, so this is a perfect time to use up all the veggies I skipped over so far.

This week: baby bell peppers, heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil (from our own plant) and avocado! A great line up! 

- Chop up the baby bells (whatever size/shape you like) and throw them in a pre-heated pan. I always start cooking the crunchier veggies first because  they take a little longer. 

- Scramble up some eggs in a bowl. I usually use 2 or 2 1/2 eggs per person. (Vegan option: try pre-scrambled egg beaters!) Pour the scrambled eggs into the pan with the baby bells. 

-While this is heating up chop up tomatoes and get basil ready.

- Throw in tomatoes and basil and get cookin'! Keep turning and moving the scramble around in the pan for even cooking. You can make the scramble as well done as you like!

-When you feel the eggs are cooked to your preference, dish out your portions and top each plate with some sliced avocado.

And there you have it! This probably took me less than 10 minutes! 

Scrambles are a great way to get at least a serving of veggies right at breakfast and keep you full for a while! 

You can come up with your own combination and see what you like best!

Scramble on and enjoy!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Gear" up!

I love this idea! (I know there's a typo) but if you put in the effort and take some time to amp up your work out attire, I feel that you will be much more likely to continue with or start up a routine!

Don't want to spend a bunch of cash? Hit up stores like Marshalls, TJMaxx, and Ross. They have a ton of work out gear for pretty cheap and cute :)

Also, I just recently purchased a pair of the Nike Free Run sneakers (shown here)! They are great! Super comfy and very light weight so it is easy to take them with you day to day or when you are traveling - no excuses!

I am about to head out and try another instructor's circuit class with my friend Rose! I'm pumped! 

What will you do today??

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fun Fit Hobby

Spring has sprung! And so have all the weeds in my yard! 

I have been working on de-weeding over the past couple of weeks and today I got to put down some much needed mulch! 

All this work has got me thinking about what a great hobby gardening is! Its fun, rewarding, relatively cheap, and gets you outside to enjoy beautiful mother nature! Being able to look at all of the progress I have made just in a couple weeks makes me proud and I feel good about my work.

On top of all this, I'm burning calories! Pull enough weeds and your arms and back will be pretty sore the next day! With general gardening you can burn over 200 calories an hour! Just think of what you could do in an afternoon!

I wanted to put this idea out there to illustrate how fun being active can be! Gardening is a great hobby to do solo, or with friends and family. So, I encourage you to try something new and get out there!

Happy planting!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fitness Must-Have!

Busy? Travel all the time? Work all the time? Don't have money for the gym?


Jump roping is a fun, easy, and very inexpensive way to burn lots of calories, improve cardiovascular endurance, and build upper and lower body strength! And you don't need much time at all!

Jump ropes: 

-are easily found for under $20 online or in sports stores.

-travel and store easily! (they can fit virtually everywhere, unlike a treadmill!)

-can burn the same amount of calories as running, in less time!

-build muscle.

-good for the heart.

-can be easier on the joints than running when done properly.

-are fun!
-anyone can do it!

Jump ropes are such an easy way to improve your fitness even for a seasoned trainer or a novice exerciser. 

Weighted jump ropes are also available for those who want to step it up even more!

So, no matter how busy, broke, or tired you are just try jumping rope for 10-15 minutes a day and work from there!

Happy Jumping!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Filling Veggie Sandwich Idea

Here is a great vegetarian option to a standard lunch meat sandwich! 

Start with whole wheat sliced bread of your choice. 

Use 1/3 to 1/2 avocado to spread on one side of your bread.

Slice up some fresh tomatoes.

Prepare your lettuce (I like Organic Spring Mix already packaged).

Spread the other slice of bread with mustard. Yellow mustard has no calories and is a nice way to add some flavor!

Cook up a veggie burger patty to give this sandwich a nice protein punch! You can grill a veggie burger on a frying pan or if you are in a rush heating it up in the microwave is easy too.

If you want to, add a slice of cheese on top of the veggie burger when it is almost cooked so it gets nice and ooie-gooie! (Omit this for a vegan option)

Lastly, pile everything nice and high on your sliced bread and cut in half for a delicious healthy lunch!

Veggie burgers are packed with protein which will keep you full, and they have less fat then your standard lunch meats which makes this a great healthy alternative! There are many different brands and styles of veggie burgers, so find one that you like the best!

You can always add more veggies like carrots, onions, or even jalepenos for a nice spicy hit!


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just A Little Motivation

From time to time we all get stuck, discouraged, hit a wall, or just down right tired!

So, I just wanted to give a little pick me up  and tell you to keep on pushing and that any little bit counts!

Keeping active has so many benefits! I want to encourage you to get off the couch and do something, anything, everyday! Consistency is the only way!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Treadmill Tip

On Tuesdays I have a long break in between classes so I take advantage of that time to work out!

Today it was raining so it was great to be able to use our campus gym for their treadmill. I definitely prefer taking a run outside, but when in need, its the treadmill indeed! 

The treadmill is a great way to keep track of how far you have gone, how many calories you have burned, and even what your heart rate is! However, there is one thing I would like to point out. I did notice a few fellow runners around me did not have their treadmill on any incline. While running on a treadmill is great, it may effect the way you run or even slow you down once you are able to hit the pavement. The treadmill is a much softer surface which is good for your knees, but it does not give the same resistance as running on the sidewalk or a path.

So, just be sure to have your incline set at least at 1, but I usually use 2. There will be buttons that are either labeled "incline" or "level" and use the up arrows.

If you are not into running, but like to use the treadmill for walking, I challenge you to pump it up even more! Increase the incline for yourself little by little and you are sure to have a better, more satisfying work out!

This can even be done on other machines like the elliptical! If you are not a fan of the treadmill, or they are all taken at the gym, increase your incline/level on other machines and take your fitness to the next level!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Trend for the Vend?

I was pleasantly surprised the other day when I walked into the locker room at our campus gym. There was a "healthier choice" vending machine! 

I thought this was pretty cool and was excited to see what this Sprout machine had to offer!
(Keep in mind I can't remember the last time I even looked into a vending machine, let alone bought something from one!)

They offer a selection of "healthier" chips like baked styles and Stacy's pita chips. They also had some Open Nature cheese-it type crackers (I love a good cheese-it!). 

For drinks there were some organic sodas and milks along with soy milk and coconut water.

OK, so I wasn't super impressed, but I guess I can't expect to see apples and bananas dropping down from a metal coil in a machine!

I am however glad to see that there are major steps being taken to provide a healthier choice that is also quite convenient.

The one thing I forgot to do was check the prices of these items! They may not be as cheap as the usual fixings, but prices are high now a days anyway and I can contest to the fact that it is in fact worth it to spend a little extra to get something better for you.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Word About Whole Wheat Bread

"Whole Wheat" has become an increasingly popular adjective when it comes to breads, pastas, crackers, etc. 

I encourage everyone to choose whole wheat items whenever possible. So here is some food for thought: If something is in fact whole wheat, it will not contain any bleached, or enriched flour.

The problem is, many breads and bread items can say that they are whole wheat, but really their first (and most prominent) ingredient is enriched flour! 

White Bread Ingredients

It is your job as the consumer to be on the lookout for this! You should be looking for a bread that has whole wheat flour as its first ingredient! Also you want to be on the look out for other ingredients like high fructose corn syrup! It is not necessary to use this to make bread, so why should we have it!?

When it comes down to it, you want to choose a bread that has the lowest amount of ingredients overall, meaning that it will have less unnecessary additives.

Alvarado St. Bakery has great yummy whole wheat breads that a free if additives! Take a look:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Easy Healthy Pasta Night!

I have a great way to whip up a yummy, healthy and fulfilling dinner!

Start with some fresh veggies, tonight I used broccoli and green beans.

Coat a large sauce pan with PAM spray and toss in the broccoli and green beans. I like to add some fresh garlic and some seasonings:

I like to cover the veggies and let them cook up nicely.

At the same time you should have water boiling and be ready to put in the pasta. 

I choose multigrain or whole wheat pasta:

As the veggies start to turn a nice bright green I add the sauce. Choose any sauce you'd like, but stay away from creamy alfredo sauces because it adds in extra fat and calories. 

The sauce will be heating up nicely with the veggies while the pasta finishes cooking up!

Strain the pasta and dish out your (manageable) portions. Then top it off with the veggies and sauce, and voilà

Dinner is served:

Yum! How easy was that!?

Try out different veggies and styles of pasta and sauces to see what you like the best!